The Christian's Warfare 

Robert Murray McCheyne (1813-1843)


In this tract, Robert Murray McCheyne gives a vivid description of the warfare that plagues all true believers. He first explains why there is no such warfare for an unbeliever. In short, the unbeliever hates the law of God and will not obey it, happily pandering to his sinful flesh. But when he comes to Christ, this is all changed. He can now truly say that he loves God’s law, which has been written on his heart. He soon discovers, however, that this sets off continuing conflict against indwelling sin. In the midst of these battles, the believer feels wretched about his sin, seeks the Lord for deliverance, and gives thanks for each victory. The fight against the flesh never ceases in this life, but according to McCheyne, there is a sure promise that in the end sin shall be rooted out altogether.