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Song  -  My Redeemer — My Lord — My Love


How deceptive the Devil is— “you shall be like God”

Expose his plans before the eyes of the dead are shut forever


We turn to you oh Lord of Heaven

Awake my soul with your Holy Word

Let your Holy Breath blow over my dead bones and give me life

Your Holy Spirit I request magnificent Savior


Father in Heaven take me home to be with you

I turn to you with all my heart — my life is yours forevermore

Oh how I love you

You have made me a new creation


Praise Adonai

Heaven’s Kingdom in my veins

Your Holy Spirit over me

Directing me to all Truth

Hosanna — Son of God

Emmanuel — God with Us

Bread of Life I adore you

My Redeemer — My Lord — My Love


Heaven’s embrace awaits your soon arrival 

His Glorious Presence will turn all eyes ablaze as we bask in His glow

You are Lord — of my life, my mind and body!

Deliver me oh Lord from all sin


Never to turn from your gaze I pray

Your blood - your most precious blood has set me free from sin and death

Your cross has delivered me from my accuser

Your victory has brought joy and peace to me for evermore! Amen.